Kaplan - VideoKen Case Study

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The Challenge

Founded in 1938, Kaplan isan American educational services company that provides individuals, colleges,universities, and businesses with a diverse array of services on a globalscale. These include higher education, test preparation, language training, corporateand industrial training, student recruitment, online enablement, and otheruniversity support services. Kaplan operates in 28 countries, serving nearly amillion students and thousands of corporate and university clients.  

Kaplan embraced the e-learningrevolution with video courses. While they attracted their target audience inlarge numbers, students (especially those in medicine and other STEM fields)felt the videos to be too long, lacked interactivity, and riddled with complexterminology that was  very difficult togo through without proper subtitles.

To overcome thesechallenges, Kaplan explored the possibility of shortening the videos, whichturned out to be labor-intensive and made the content disconnected.Subsequently, Kaplan leveraged a manualvideo-chaptering tool to allow the students to navigate through the video,expecting that it would make the learning experience more interactive — but,again, the process turned out to be time-consuming and not scalable. Kaplanalso had a third-party provider to transcribe and closed-caption their videos.

Trying out such a widevariety of solutions made Kaplan realize a few things. They needed a solution(preferably a single solution) to — (a.) process their library of ever-growingvideos, (b.) minimize the time and resources involved, and (c.) do it all withas little manual intervention as possible.   

The Solution

Kaplan chose VideoKen asits primary video interactivity platform to deliver engaging learningexperiences to its students.

Leveraging capabilitieslike automated video chaptering, phrase cloud (similar to a glossary in abook), in-video search, closed captioning, etc., Kaplan was able to provide anengaging and accessible learning experience.

While AI-powered automatedvideo chaptering made it easy to focus on learning at the moment of need andnavigate the video seamlessly, the Phrase Cloud made key phrases relevant tothe topic available at a learner’s fingertips. The ability to effectively searchinside videos provided students with the exact information they were lookingfor.

MCAT and Nursing programvideos at Kaplan Test Prep contain specific medical terminology that must betranscribed perfectly.

The accuracy of automated closed-captions is one ofVideoKen’s stand-out capabilities. “VideoKen’s automated close-captions are 80%, maybeapproaching 90% accuracy”.

— “According to JohnBloodworth, the Director of Curriculum and Content Development at Kaplan.

In addition to makinglearning videos interactive, Kaplan also needed a simple but effective solutionto deter the piracy of their learning videos.

"The content Kaplangenerates is usually so valuable that students who do not have direct access tothe videos are eagerly waiting for any new content to pirate and distribute forfree. Videoken made it possible by implementing an ID recognition solution thatcould detect piracy attempts in a non-obtrusive but recognizable way — asolution that proved very impactful.” — John shares.

VideoKen’s in-video quizcapability helped increase the recall value of the course material for thestudents. Kaplan could easily incorporate questions from their question bankwithout having to edit the video. This capability also helped Kaplan executivesunderstand whether their students benefited from their course videos andallowed them to measure each student’s progress and guide them better.

Kaplan also found importing videos into theVideoKen platform relatively fast and easy, especially with the latter’s deepintegration with Brightcove. “Directly importing the video IDs from Brightcoveand incorporating them with the features that made them more student-friendlyis as effortless and time-effective as it gets.” — notes Mr. Bloodworth.  

The Impact

“Using VideoKen’sservices has helped us achieve desired results with our students," — Mr.Bloodworth says. “A majority have reported increased ease in learning with thevideo chapters that helps them know where they are in the video, what elsethere is to learn and allows them to navigate to various topics" Theclosed-captioning and the in-depth video search capabilities make Kaplan’slearning videos accessible and searchable. The in-video quizzes have helpedstudents improve their recall value of the subject and have made their learningexperience impactful.”

Besides that,Kaplan has experienced benefits like (a.) processing their entire library ofvideos in half the time they had initially calculated, (b.) leveragingVideoKen’s capabilities for all interactivity and accessibility needs, (c.)freeing Kaplan executives of time and resources, to concentrate on strategizingfor other essential aspects of growing the business, (d.) deterring videopiracy; and, more.  

“Working with VideoKen has greatly improved our video experience. From video chapters, word clouds, and searchability to viewer sentiment, in-video quizzes, and dynamic watermarks to limit piracy, our every need has been met with a solution.”
Steve Rogers

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